Work – All Articles

  • Homo Mortuus Vivens: How “Death” of the Self Might be the Only thing that can Save the Mensch

    Homo Mortuus Vivens: How “Death” of the Self Might be the Only thing that can Save the Mensch

  • What Remains of Us?

    This paper explores a world where humans and technology are becoming one. We start with a human hand’s simple, powerful touch and move towards a future where we interact with and through the digital world. We are at a turning point, looking at how today’s technology is not just improving but fundamentally changing who we are—our bodies, our minds, and how we think and feel. We explore the big questions this change raises, about right and wrong, and who we are at our core. We seek to understand what will remain of us as we blend more with technology, shining a light on the new kinds of lives we might lead. We aim to show how technology is reshaping our abilities and how we see the world and ourselves, opening up a new chapter in human history.

  • The Nexus Ontology Theory (NOT)

    The Nexus Ontology Theory (NOT) presents an avant-garde exploration into one of humanity's most profound questions: "Why is there something rather than nothing?" Rooted in the duality of existence and non-existence, NOT postulates a cosmic equilibrium anchored in a foundational entity termed the "Nexus". The theory introduces novel concepts, including Existence Wells, Void Reversion, and Nexus Oscillations, challenging conventional cosmological paradigms.

  • Are we Living in a (Quantum) Simulation?

    The question “What is real?” can be traced back to the shadows in Plato’s cave. Two thousand years later, René Descartes lacked knowledge about arguing against an evil deceiver feeding us the illusion of sensation. Descartes’ epistemological concept later led to various theories of what our sensory experiences actually are.


    A Plea for a New Performance Culture – Greta Thunberg and Luisa Neubauer won’t save the world. Yet, the outcry of the youth shows the urgency involved, and science points to the need for action. This is a model that has, indeed, led to some sensitization with respect to the climate crisis. But it also shows that fifty-two years after the first Earth Day, we’re rolling out our own changes far too slowly.


    Only by way of liberation from the “self-evident” and confronting the system itself can we arrive at an understanding of the world. Education is always the liberation from self-evidence. Education is therefore a matter of Weltbildung—world education.